Fixed telephonyIP-Based  

IP telephony fixed telephone, IP Based Fixed, IP-based telephony. The standard IP telephone of Golden Hightech Ltd offers a lot of possibilities, without high investment, but with all the functionalities.

We offer countless possibilities such as call forwarding,  voice2email and caller ID or not. On each IP based telephone you can use your voicemail by means of a PIN. Call center solutions, Call center sales department with training opportunities and Live training. Low cost through internalisation. With IVR for your entire company, you will never have to miss a call.


IP Telephone exchange 

FixedIP-based telephony. The telephone standard with enormous possibilities. Without high investment in traditional telephone exchange, but with all the functionalitiesIt is possible with a private telephone exchangebut also as a  online telephone central.
We can also connect your mobile telecom environment to the IP telephone central to keep call costs as low as possible.  

If you want to know more about IP telephony, please contact our sales department by sending us a mail at: